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  Sabrina Singh: DOD Presser on Classified Document Leaks [T] [A] [V]

  Sacheen Littlefeather: Oscar Acceptance for Marlon Brando [T] [V]

  Saddam Hussein: 1996 Speech to the Iraqis [T]

  Saddam Hussein: Second Open Letter to the Americans [T]

  Samantha Power: UN Statement on the Downing of MH17 [T] [A] [V]

  Samantha Power: AIPAC 2015 Policy Conference Speech [T] [A] [V]

  Samantha Power: Address on UN Resolution 3379 [T]

  Samantha Power: UN Security Council Address on Syria [T] [V]

  Sam Elliott: Speech in Tribute to SGT Raymond Lambert [T] [V]

  Sam Waterston: Gettysburg Address [T] [A]

  Samuel Alito: Opening Statement Before the Senate Judiciary [T] [V]

  Samuel Alito: (Pre-Recorded) Address to the Federalist Society [T] [V]

  Sandra Bullock: Oscar Acceptance for Best Leading Actress [T] [V]

  Sandra Day O'Connor: Address at Ronald Reagan Funeral [T] [A] [V]

  Sandra Day O'Connor: Liberty Medal Award Acceptance Address [T] [A]

  Sandra Mason: Presidential Inaugural Address [T] [A] [V]

  Sanna Marin: To Parliament on Novel Coronavirus Preparations [T] [V]

  Sarah Palin: Vice Presidential Nomination Speech [T] [A] [V]

  Sarah Palin: Republican Governors Association Speech [T] [V]

  Sarah Palin: Tea Party Keynote Speech [T] [V]

  Sarah Weddington: Roe v Wade Oral Arguments [T] [A]

 Sauli Niinistö: Remarks at Finland Accession to NATO Ceremony [T] [A] [V]

  Scott Leonard: First Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion Address [T] [A] [V]

  Scott Pruitt: White House Presser on Paris Accord Withdrawal [T] [A] [V]

  Sean MacFarland: Field Presser on Operation Inherent Resolve [T] [A] [V]

  Sean Spicer: Statement on Media Reporting Following Inauguration [T] [A] [V]

  Senior Citizen's Charter: 1961 White House Conference on Aging [T]

  Sermon Audio *** [A]

  Sermon Central [T] [V] [T]

  Severn Suzuki: United Nations ECO Summit Address [T] [V]

  Sheldon Whitehouse: Senate Speech on Cyber Security [T] [A]

  Sherrod Brown: Senate Floor Speech on GM Lordstown Plant Closing [T] [A] [V]

  Sheryl Sandberg: Statement to Congress on Facebook Accountability [T] [A] [V]

  Shimon Peres: United Nations General Assembly Address [T] [V]

  Shimon Peres: Oslo II Interim Agreement Signing Ceremony Speech [T] [A] [V]

  Shimon Peres: Medal of Freedom Acceptance Address [T] [A] [V]

  Shinzō Abe: Opening Remarks at a 2007 Meeting of the North Atlantic Council [T] [A] [V]

  Shinzō Abe: 2013 Olympic Presentation Speech on Behalf of Japan [T] [A]

  Shinzō Abe: Address to a Joint Sitting of the Australian Parliament [T] [A] [V]

  Shinzō Abe: Address to a Joint Session of the U.S. Congress [T] [A] [V]

  Shinzō Abe: Address at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial [T] [A] [V]

  Shinzō Abe: Pearl Harbor Reconciliation Address [T] [A] [V]

  Shinzō Abe: Emperor Naruhito Formal Accession Address [T] [V]

  Shinzō Abe: Press Statement on Novel Corona Virus Countermeasures [T] [V]

  Shinzō Abe: Press Conference on COVID-19 (March 2020) [T] [V]

  Shinzō Abe: Press Statement on National Emergency Declaration [T] [V]

  Shirley Chisholm: For the Equal Rights Amendment [T]

  Shirley Chisholm: Presidential Candidacy Announcement [T] [A] [V]

  Shirley Chisholm: The Black Woman in Contemporary America [T] [A]

  Shirley Sherrod: NAACP 20th Freedom Fund Banquet Speech [T] [A] [V]

  Shri M Sankaran: On South Pole Lunar Landing of Chandrayaan-3's Vikram [T] [A] [V]

  Socrates: "Apology" [T]

¶  Sojourner Truth: "Ain't I A Woman"? [T]

¶  Sonia Sotomayor: Senate Judiciary Committee Statement [T] [A] [V]

¶  Soong May-ling (Madame Chiang Kai-Shek): Speech to Congress [T] [A] [V]

  Speech of the Week (The History Place) [T]

  Speech Repository for the European Union [V]

  Spiro Agnew: "Television News Coverage" [T] [A]

  (Gen). Stanley McChrystal: Farewell to the U.S. Army [T] [A] [V]

  Star Trek: Original Series Opening Narrative [T] [A] [V]

  State of the State Speeches: 2002-2011 *** [T]

  State of the Union: 1980 [T] [A] [V]

  State of the Union: 1995 [T] [A] [V]

  State of the Union: 1996 [T] [A] [V]

  Joint Session of Congress: 2001 [T] [A] [V]

  State of the Union: 2002 [T] [A] [V]

  State of the Union: 2003 [T] [A] [V]

  State of the Union: 2004 [T] [A] [V]

  State of the Union: 2005 [T] [A] [V]

  State of the Union: 2006 [T] [A] [V]

  State of the Union: 2007 [T] [A] [V]

  State of the Union: 2008 [T] [A] [V]

  Joint Session of Congress: 2009 [T] [A] [V]

  State of the Union: 2010 [T] [A] [V]

  State of the Union: 2011 [T] [A] [V]

  State of the Union: 2012 [T] [A] [V]

  State of the Union: 2013 [T] [A] [V]

  State of the Union: 2014 [T] [A] [V]

  State of the Union: 2015 [T] [A] [V]

  State of the Union: 2016 [T] [A] [V]

  Joint Session of Congress: 2017 [T] [A] [V]

  State of the Union: 2018 [T] [A] [V]

  State of the Union: 2019 [T] [A] [V]

  State of the Union: 2020 [T] [A] [V]

  Joint Session of Congress: 2021 [T] [V]

  State of the Union: 2022 [T] [A] [V]

  State of the Union: 2023 [T] [A] [V]

  State of the Union: 2024 [T] [A] [V]

  Stayce Harris: DOD MLK Annual Observance Address [T] [A] [V]

  Stephanie Dion: Response to Stephen Harper (12-03-08) [T] [A] [V]

  Stephen Breyer: Remarks on USSC Retirement [T] [A] [V]

  Stephen Curry: Remarks at White House NBA Champions Ceremony [T] [A] [V]

  Stephen Douglas: "Measures of Adjustment" (23 Oct 1850) [T]

  Stephen Douglas: On the Territorial Question (13-14 March 1850) [T]

  Stephen Douglas: 1858 Debates with Abraham Lincoln [T]

  Stephen F. Austin: Address at Louisville Kentucky (1836) [T]

  Stephen Harper: Day of Apology Address [T] [V]

  Stephen Harper: Government by Canadians (11-28-08) [T] [A]

  Stephen Harper: On Separatist Opposition (12-03-08) [T] [A]

  Stephen Harper: On Suspension of Parliament (12-04-08)  [T] [V]

  Stephen Oakley: Compassion International in India [T] [A]

  Steve Bridges and George W. Bush: Washington Correspondence Dinner [A]

  Steve Jobs: 1983 International Design Conference Remarks [T] [V]

  Steve Jobs: Commencement Address at Stanford University [T] [V]

  Steven Chu: Oversight & Reform Subcommittee Stmt on Solyndra [T] [A] [V]

  Steven Hall: Opening Statement to Congress on Russian Playbook [T] [A] [V]

  Steven T. Banko III: The Veteran's Search for Peace [T] [V]

  Steve Scalise: Return to Congress Floor Speech [T] [A] [V]

  Sting: 1994 Berklee Music School Commencement Address [T]

  Stokely Carmichael: "Black Power" [T] [A]

  Suella Braverman: House of Commons Statement on the Rwanda Bill [T] [A] [V]

  Suffragists Oral History Project (UC Berkeley) [T] [A]

  Sundar Pichai: Statement(s) to the Judiciary Committee [T] [A] [V]

  Sung Y. Kim: Remarks on the Return of the Bells of Balangiga [T] [A] [V]

  Susan Baker: Congressional PMRC Hearings Opening Statement [T] [A] [V]

  Susan B. Anthony: A Women's Right to Vote [T]

  Susan Collins: Senate Floor Speech Supporting Brett Kavanaugh [T] [A] [V]

  Susan Collins: Speech Honoring Veterans of the Ghost Army [T] [A] [V]

  Susan Collins: Remarks at the Public Memorial for Joe Lieberman [T] [V]

  Susan Rahr: Community Oriented Policing Services Conference [T] [V]

  Susan Rice: UN Security Council Remarks on Israeli Settlements [T] [A]

  Susan Rice: Remarks on UN Vote for Palestinian Observer Status [T] [V]

  Susan Rice: Briefing on UN Res. 2094 Sanctions for North Korea [T] [A] [V]

  Susan Rice: Human Rights First Summit Speech [T] [A] [V]

  Susan Rice: AIPAC 2015 Policy Conference Speech [T] [A] [V]

  Susan Rice: GWU Speech on U.S.-China Relations [T] [A] [V]

  Susette Kelo: Statement to Congress on Eminent Domain [T] [A] [V]

  Swami Vivekananda: World Parliament of Religions Opening Speech [T] [A]

  Sylvania Baptist Church of Tyler Sermon Library [A]


  Tal Becker: El Al Flight LY971 Preflight Welcome Address [T] [A]

  Talking History: Radio Archive *** [A]

  Tanner Cross: Address to the Loudoun County School Board [T] [A] [V]

¶  T.D. Jakes: "All I Have Is A Seed On My Side"  [mp3.1]  [mp3.2] [A]

  Ta-Nehesi Coates; Statement to Congress on Reparations for Slavery [T] [A] [V]

  TED: Ideas Worth Spreading [T] [V]

  Ted Cruz: Speeches as Texas Senator [V]

  Ted Cruz: Heritage Foundation Speech on Internet Freedom [T] [V]

  Ted Cruz: Remarks via Phone to SpaceX/NASA DM2 Crew on the ISS [T] [A] [V]

  Ted Kennedy: Eulogy for Robert F. Kennedy [T] [A] [V]

  Ted Kennedy: "Chappaquiddick" [T] [A]

  Ted Kennedy: 1980 DNConvention Address  [T] [A] [V]

  Ted Kennedy: Truth & Tolerance in America [T] [A]

  Ted Kennedy: JFK Library Rededication Address [T] [A] [V]

  Ted Kennedy: Eulogy for Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis [T] [A]

¶  Ted Kennedy: Eulogy for John F. Kennedy, Jr. [T]

  Ted Kennedy: 2008 Democratic National Convention Speech [T] [A]

  Ted Kennedy, Jr: Eulogy for Ted Kennedy Sr. [T] [A] [V]

  Ted Koppel: "Aspire to Decency; Practice Civility" [T]

  Teddy Roosevelt: Address at the Grand Canyon [T]

  Teddy Roosevelt: "The Man with the Muck-rake" [T]

  Teddy Roosevelt: "Citizenship in a Republic" [T]

  Teddy Roosevelt: Nobel Lecture [T]

  Teddy Roosevelt: "Right of the People to Rule" [T] [A]

  Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19  30 Jan 2020 [T] [A] [V]

  Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19  21 Feb 2020 [T] [A] [V]

  Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19  27 Feb 2020 [T] [A] [V]

  Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19  28 Feb 2020 [T] [A] [V]

  Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19  03 Mar 2020 [T] [A] [V]

  Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19  05 Mar 2020 [T] [A] [V]

  Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19  09 Mar 2020 [T] [A] [V]

  Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19  11 Mar 2020 [T] [A] [V]

  Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19  16 Mar 2020 [T] [A] [V]

  Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19  08 Apr 2020 [T] [A] [V]

  Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on U.S. Funding Halt  15 Apr 2020 [T] [A] [V]

  Tedros Adhanom: World Health Assembly Closing Speech  19 May 2020 [T] [A] [V]

  Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19  01 Jun 2020 [T] [A] [V]

  Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19  08 Jun 2020 [T] [A] [V]

  Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19  13 July 2020 [T] [A] [V]

  Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19  05 October 2020 [T] [A] [V]

  Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19  12 October 2020 [T] [A] [V]

  Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19  9 November 2020 [T] [A] [V]

  Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19  11 January 2021 [T] [A] [V]

  Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19  18 January 2021 [T] [A] [V]

  Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19  16 July 2021 [T]

  Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on First Approved Malaria Vaccine [T] [V]

  Tedros Adhanom: United Nations Address on the Health Crisis in Gaza [T] [V]

  Teodoro Locsin: Senate Speech on the Visiting Forces Agreement [T] [V]

  Teodoro Locsin: Remarks on the 75th Anniversary of the End of WWII [T] [A] [V]

  Teodoro Locsin: Statement on the 5th Anniversary of South China Sea Ruling [T] [V]

  Teresa Pike Tomlinson: Sweet Briar College Commencement Speech [T] [V]

  Teri Takai et al: DoD Electromagnetic Spectrum Strategy Presser [T] [A] [V]

  Terry Newman: "The Culture War in Communication Studies" (Quillette) [T]

  Texas Declaration of Independence (2 March 1836) [T]

  Thabo Mbeki: "I Am an African" [T] [A]

  The Living Room Candidate (archive of political ads and speeches) [T] [V]

  The Moth: True Stories Told Live [A] [V]

  Theo Zwanziger: Memorial Speech for Robert Enke [German] [T] [A] [V]

  Theo Zwanziger: Memorial Speech for Robert Enke [English] [T] [A] [V]

  Theresa May: "The Great Meritocracy" [T] [V]

  Theresa May: United Nations Address 2016 [T] [V]

  Theresa May: Speech on Exiting Brexit Cleanly [T] [V]

  Theresa May: Speech at the U.S. Republican Party Conference [T] [V]

  Theresa May: Speech on the Terrorist Attack in Westminster [T] [V]

  Theresa May: General Election Announcement [T] [V]

  Theresa May: UK and EU Partnership and Cooperation Speech [T] [V]

  Theresa May: Salisbury Incident First Speech to the House of Commons [T] [V]

  Theresa May: Salisbury Incident Second Speech to the House of Commons [T] [V]

  Theresa May: Final House of Commons Address on Brexit [T] [V]

  Thomas Campbell: Inaugural Remarks of the MMA American Wing [T] [V]

  Thomas Modly: Statement on Relief of CO Brett Crozier [T] [A] [V]

  Tim Cook: EU Data Protection and Privacy Conference Speech [T] [V]

  Tim Kaine: Remarks at the Virginia Tech Memorial Ceremony [T] [A] [V]

  Tim Wolfe: MU Presidential Resignation Speech [T] [V]

  Tom Bossert: Cybersecurity Executive Order Press Briefing [T] [A] [V]

  Tom Bossert: "Wannacry" and "Wannacrypt" Ransomeware Briefing [T] [A] [V]

  Tom Bossert: Briefing on Hurricane Relief Efforts in Puerto Rico [T] [A] [V]

  Tom Bossert: Hurricane Harvey Press Briefing [T] [A] [V]

  Tom Bossert: "On WannaCry Malware and North Korea Attribution [T] [A] [V]

  Tom Brokaw: National WWII Memorial Dedication Address [T] [A]

  Tom Brokaw: Commencement Address at Emory University [T] [A]

  Tom Delay: Farewell Address to U.S. House of Representatives [T] [A] [V]

  Tom Durkin: Call of the 140th Running of the Belmont Stakes [A]

  Tom Frieden: Briefing on First U.S. Diagnosed Ebola Virus Infection [T] [A] [V]

  Tom Frieden: Aspen Institute -- Ebola and Global Health Security [T] [V]

  Tom Frieden: Travel Warning to South Florida Statement and Briefing [T] [A]

  Tom Hanks: Commencement Address at Vassar College [T] [A]

  Tom Tauke: New Democrat Network Keynote [T] [V]

  Tom Vilsack: Press Conference on Shirley Sherrod [T] [A] [V]

  Tom Wheeler: FCC Statement on Net Neutrality (4-29-14) [T]

  Tom Wheeler: NCTA Conference Keynote Address (4-30-14) [T] [V]

  Toni Morrison: 1993 Nobel Lecture [T] [A]

  Tony Blair: Address to a Joint Session of the Irish Parliament [T]

  Tony Blair: Address to a Joint Session of the Irish Parliament [V]

  Tony Blair: Remarks on 9/11 Attacks in the U.S. [T]

  Tony Blair: Remarks on Initial British and American OPS in Afghanistan [T]

  Tony Blair: 2001 Address to the Labour Party [T]

  Tony Blair: Speech Accepting U.S. Congressional Gold Medal [T] [A] [V]

  Tony Blair: Valedictory (Farewell) Address to the Labour Party [T] [A]

  Tony Blair: Testimony Before the UK Iraq Inquiry Commission [T]

  Tony Hayward: Opening Stmt to HOR Oversight Subcommittee [T] [A] [V]

  Toomas Hendrik Ilves: On Estonia as a Nordic Nation [T]

  Toomas Hendrik Ilves: Internet Governance Keynote Speech [T] [A] [V]

  Tracey Crouch: House of Commons Loyal Address [T] [A] [V]

  Troy Aikman: Pro Football Hall of Fame Address [T]

  Tzipi Livni: Speech to the United Nations General Assembly [T] [V]


  UC Berkeley Free Speech Movement Archives [A] [V]

  UK Political Speech Archive *** [T]

  UK Royal Family Speeches *** [T]

  United Nations Speeches and Events [V]

  United Nations Audiovisual Library [V]

  United Nations Radio Classics [A]

  United Nations General Assembly Speeches (2004-2010) [T] [V]

  United Nations Security Council Speeches (2004-2010) [T] [V]

  United Nations YouTube Channel [V]

  United Nations Watch -- Human Rights Channel (YouTube) [V]

  Ursula K. Le Guin: A Left-Handed Commencement Address [T]

  Ursula K. Le Guin: Distinguished Letters Award Acceptance [T] [V]

  Ursula von der Leyen: On Post Brexit EU-UK Free Trade Deal [T] [V]

¶  U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff Speeches [T]

¶  U.S. Air Force Archived Speeches (2005-2014) [T]

¶  U.S. Army Speeches [T]

  U.S. Army Chief of Staff Speeches [T]

  U.S. Central Intelligence Agency Speeches (1995-Present) [T]

  U.S. Coast Guard Speeches [T]

¶  U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom [T]

¶  U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission Speeches [T]

  U.S. Department of Agriculture Speeches [T]

  U.S. Department of Commerce Speeches [T]

¶  U.S. Department of Defense Archived Speeches (1995-2015) [T]

  U.S. Department of Defense Leaders Speeches [T]

  U.S. Department of Defense Visual Distribution Service (DVIDS) *** [T] [A] [V]

  U.S. Department of Defense: Live Event Channels [V]

  U.S. Department of Defense: Briefing on Fort Hood Findings and Recommendations [T] [A] [V]

  U.S. Department of Education Speeches [T]

¶  U.S. Department of Education Archived Speeches (2009-2016) [T]

  U.S. Department of Energy Speeches [T]

  U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Speeches [T]

  U.S. Department of Homeland Security Speeches [T]

  U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development Speeches [T]

  U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development Webcasts [V]

¶  U.S. Department of Interior Speeches [T]

  U.S. Department of Justice Speeches (keyword "speeches) [T]

  U.S. Department of Justice -- Attorney General Speeches (recent) [T]

  U.S. Department of Justice -- Attorney General Speeches (1996-2009) [T]

  U.S. Department of Justice Video Speeches [V]

 ¶  U.S. Department of Justice Inspector General Reports [T] [V]

  U.S. Department of Labor Speeches [T]

¶  U.S. Department of State Speeches [T] [V]

¶  U.S. Department of State Press Briefings [T]

¶  U.S. Department of State Speeches and Briefings [V]

¶  U.S. Department of State Speeches by Mike Pompeo [T]

  U.S. Department of Transportation Speeches [T]

  U.S. Department of Treasury Speeches [T]

  U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Speeches [T]

  U.S. Federal Aviation Administration Speeches (current) [T]

  U.S. Federal Aviation Administration Speeches (archived) [T]

  U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Speeches [T]

  U.S. Federal Communication Commission Speeches [T]

  U.S. Federal Reserve Speeches (1996-Present) [T]

  U.S. Federal Reserve Speeches [V]

  U.S. Federal Trade Commission Speeches [T]

  U.S. Food and Drug Administration Speeches (1988-Current) [T]

  U.S. House of Representatives [A] [V]

¶  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Speeches [T]

  U.S. Labor and Industry Historic Speeches [A]

  U.S. Marine Corps Historic Speeches [T]

  U.S. National Intelligence (ODNI) Speeches [T]

  U.S. National Security Agency Speeches [T]

  U.S. Naval Institute Speeches (YouTube) [V]

  U.S. Navy Speeches [T]

  U.S. Secretary of the Army Speeches [T] [V]

¶  U.S. Secretary of the Navy Speeches [T]

¶  U.S. Soldiers Radio and Television (AFN) [V]

  U.S. Supreme Court Cases/Arguments (Cornell University) [T]

  U.S. Supreme Court Oral Arguments (Oyez) *** [T] [A]

  U.S. Supreme Court Oral Arguments: Roe v. Wade [T] [A]

  U.S. Supreme Court Oral Arguments: Lemon v. Kurtzman [T] [A]

  U.S. Supreme Court Oral Arguments: Edwards v. Aguillard [T] [A]

  U.S. Supreme Court Oral Arguments: Citizens United v. FEC [T] [A]

  U.S. Supreme Court Oral Arguments: "Affordable Care Act" [T] [A]

  U.S. Supreme Court: Speeches by USSC Justices (2000-2019) [T]

  U.S. Transportation Security Administration Speeches [T]

  U.S. United Nations Mission Speeches (current) [T]

  U.S. United Nations Mission Speeches (archived back to 2017) [T]

  USVets.TV [V]

  UT Longhorn 2006 Rose Bowl Speeches by Brown and Young [T] [A]


  Veronica Guerin: International Press Freedom Award Acceptance [T] [A] [V]

  Vicente Fox: Address to a Joint Meeting of the U.S. Congress [T] [A] [V]

  Victoria Shi: AI Generated Inaugural Remarks for Ukraine Foreign Ministry [T] [A] [V]

  Viktor Orbán: On "Illiberal Democracy" [T] [V]

  Vincent Voice Library *** [A]

  Vin Scully: Los Angeles Dodgers Baseball Broadcast Final Signoff [T] [V]

  Virginia Tech Tragedy Memorial Speeches (I) [T] [A] [V]

  Virginia Tech Tragedy Memorial Speeches (2) [T] [A] [V]

  Vital Speeches of the Day (subscription required) [T]

  Vivek Murthy: Presser on Surgeon General's Health [Mis]Information Advisory [T] [A] [V]

  Vladimir Putin: 43rd Munich Conference Address and Q&A [T] [A] [V]

  Vladimir Putin: IOC Pitch to Host the 2014 Winter Olympic Games [T] [A] [V]

  Vladimir Putin: 2013 Valdai Discussion Club Address and Q&A [T] [V]

  Vladimir Putin: 2014 Valdai Discussion Club Address and Q&A [T] [V]

  Vladimir Putin: Address to the 70th Session of the United Nations General Assembly [T] [V]

  Vladimir Putin: Speech to the Nation on Novel Coronavirus [T]

  Vladimir Putin: Statements on the COVID-19 Health Situation in Russia [T]

  Vladimir Putin: On the Donbas Problem and in the Situation in Ukraine [T] [V]

  Vladimir Putin: Speech to the Nation Announcing Military Operation in Ukraine [T] [V]

  Vladimir Putin: Address to the 7th Eastern Economic Forum [T] [A] [V]

  Vladimir Putin: Post Shanghai Cooperation Summit News Conference [T] [V]

  Vladimir Putin: Address to the Nation on Reservist Mobilization [T] [V]

  Vladimir Putin: Address to the Nation on the Wagner Rebellion and Civil War [T] [V]

  Vladimir Putin: Address to the Nation on the End of the Wagner Rebellion [T] [V]

  Vladimir Putin: Interview with Tucker Carlson [T] [V]

  Vladimir Putin: Press Remarks Following Russia-China Talks [T] [V]

  Vladimir Putin: Joint Press Remarks with DPRK Chairman Kim Jong Un [T] [V]

  Voices of the 20th Century *** [T] [A]

  Voices of the Holocaust (Illinois Institute of Technology) [T] [A]

  Voice of America *** [T] [A]

  Voice of America Interview: [T] [A]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: State of the Nation 2021 Address [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: On the Unity Ukrainian Society [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Speech to the 58th Munich Security Conference [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Appeal to the Russian People on Imminent Russian Invasion [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Speech to the People of Ukraine at Outset of Russian Invasion [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Nation on Day 2 of Russian [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the European Parliament [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: 'You Have to Fight' Address to the Nation [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the People on International Women's Day [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the British Parliament [T] [A] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: On U.S. Import Ban on Oil from Russia [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Sejm of the Republic of Poland [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament of Canada [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the U.S. Congress [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to German Bundestag [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to Knesset of Israel [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to People of Switzerland [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to Italian Chamber of Deputies [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the French Parliament and Paris Council [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament of Japan [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Nations of the World [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address at NATO Emergency Summit [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address at the Group of Seven Summit [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Riksdag of Sweden [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the European Council [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament of Denmark [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Supreme Legislature of Norway [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament of Belgium [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament of the Netherlands [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament of Australia [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament of Romania [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the United Nations Security Council [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Cortes Generales of Spain [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament of Ireland [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament of Greece [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Cyprus House of Representatives [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament of Finland [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the National Assembly of South Korea [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament of Lithuania [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament of Estonia [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament of Portugal [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to a World Bank Ministerial Roundtable [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament of Albania [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament of Ukraine [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament of Iceland [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address at the Chatham House [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to G7 Conference of Leaders [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Slovak Republic National Council [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Atlantic Council [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the American Association of Universities [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the 75th Cannes International Film Festival [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the World Economic Forum in Davos [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament of Latvia [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address at the United24 Platform in Washington, D.C. [T] [A] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to Students at Leading British Universities [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Full Parliament of the Czech Republic [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Bureau of the African Union Assembly [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to Community of Major Education Institutions in Israel [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the 2022 NATO Summit in Madrid [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament of Slovenia [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the International Churchill Society [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: To UN Security Council Following Chaplyne Station Attack [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the 77th Session of the UN General Assembly [T] [A] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Indigenous Peoples of Russia [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Organization of American States [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to G7 Summit Following Russian Missile Attacks [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: On a 10-Point Peace Formula [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Second Address to the U.S. Congress [T] [A] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Christmas Greetings to Western Rite Orthodox Christians [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Nation On Corruption and Justice [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the National Association of State Chambers [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to Both Houses of the UK Parliament [T] [A] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the European Council [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: On the One Year Anniversary of Russian Aggression [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the National Congress of Chile [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Congress of the United Mexican States [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Discurso ante el Congreso de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the States General of the Netherlands [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Arab League Summit 2023 [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the People of Japan at the G7 Hiroshima Summit [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: On Dismissal of Regional Military Commissars [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Announcing Replacement of National Defense Minister [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Second Address to the Parliament of Canada [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: On New U.S. Military Support Package [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: A Global Peace Summit [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the National Assembly of France [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Second Address to the German Bundestag [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Inaugural Ukraine Summit for Peace [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: On the Deployment of U.S.-Made F-16 Fighter Jets [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: 79th United Nations General Assembly Address [T] [V]

  Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Joint NATO Presser with SecGen Rutte [T] [A] [V]


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  Warren G. Harding: "Readjustment" [T] [A]

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  Wendy Sherman: Iran Nuclear Deal Press Briefing [T] [A] [V]

  Wesley Autrey: Speech Accepting the CNN 'Everyday Hero' Award [T] [A]

  Wess Mitchell: Marshall Plan Commemoration Address [T] [A] [V]

  Wess Mitchell: Heritage Foundation Address on the Western Alliance [T] [V]

  Weston Showalter: Press Statement on the Abducted Missionaries in Haiti [T] [A] [V]

  Weston Showalter: On the Escape and Return of the Abducted Missionaries [T] [V]

  William Barr: International Conference on Cybersecurity Keynote  [T] [V]

  William Barr: Address on Religious Liberty at the University of Notre Dame [T] [V]

  William Barr: Olson Memorial Lecture to the Federalist Society [T] [A] [V]

  William Barr: Final Report on the Pensacola Air Station Shootings [T] [V]

  William Barr: Statement on Religious Practice and Social Distancing [T]

  William Barr: China Policy Address at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum [T] [V]

  William Borah: Against the League of Nations [T]

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  William F. Hooley: Gettysburg Address [T] [A]

  William Fallon: Retirement Statement [T]

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  William J. Clinton Presidential Library +++ [T] [A] [V]

  William J. Clinton Presidential Library YouTube Channel +++  [V]

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  William J. Clinton: Speech to the Nation on Somalia [T] [A] [V]

  William J. Clinton: Address at the Church of God in Christ in Memphis [T] [A] [V]

  William J. Clinton: 1995 State of the Union Address [T] [A] [V]

  William J. Clinton: Oklahoma Bombing Memorial Address [T] [A] [V]

  William J. Clinton:  Oslo II Interim Agreement Signing Speech [T] [A] [V]

  William J. Clinton: Memorial Address for Yitzhak Rabin [T] [A] [V]

  William J. Clinton: Announces U.S. Government Shutdown [T] [A] [V]

  William J. Clinton: 1996 State of the Union Address [T] [A] [V]

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  William J. Clinton: Announcement of 1998 Iraq Air Strikes [T] [A] [V]

  William J. Clinton: Address to the Russian Duma [T] [A] [V]

  William J. Clinton: Congressional Gold Medal for Rosa Parks [T] [A]

  William J. Clinton: 2001 Presidential Farewell Address [T] [A] [V]

  William J. Clinton: 2004 Democratic National Convention Speech [T] [A] [V]

  William J. Clinton: Tribute to Ed Bradley [T] [A]

  William J. Clinton: 2008 Democratic National Convention Speech [T] [A] [V]

  William J. Clinton: Eulogy for Robert Byrd [T] [A] [V]

  William J. Clinton: 2012 Democratic National Convention Speech [T] [V]

  William J. Clinton: Muhammad Ali Memorial Service Address [T] [V]

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  William Jennings Bryan: "Cross of Gold" [T] [A]

  William Jennings Bryan: "Against Imperialism [T] [A]

  William Jennings Bryan: "The White Man's Burden" [T]

  William Jennings Bryan: Psalm 23 [T] [A]

  William Lane Craig (university apologetic debates on God) [T]

  William Lane Craig: "God and Cosmology" [T]

  William Lane Craig: "The Absurdity of Life without God" [T]

  William Lane Craig: "The Absurdity of Life without God" [V]

  {Adm.) William "Dean" Lee: National Day of Prayer Speech [T] [V]

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  William Ruto: Carter Center Address on Global Democracy [T] [V]

  William Ruto: 2024 White House Joint Presser Opening Remarks [T] [V]

  William Seeley: NJ Powerball Lottery Press Conference Remarks [T] [A]

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  Winston Churchill: "Master's of our Fate" to Congress Address [T] [A] [V]

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¶  Yad Vashem: Holocaust and Related Speeches [T] [A] [V]

¶  Yamini Ravindran: Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom Remarks [T] [A] [V]

¶  Yitzhak Rabin: Hebrew University Address at Mt. Scopus Following Six-Day War [T]

¶  Yitzhak Rabin: Hebrew University Address at Mt. Scopus Following Six-Day War [A]

¶  Yitzhak Rabin: Hebrew University Address at Mt. Scopus Following Six-Day War [V]

¶  Yitzhak Rabin: Address to a Joint Session of the U.S. Congress [V]

¶  Yitzhak Rabin: Oslo II Interim Agreement Signing Speech [T] [A] [V]

¶  Young-Key Kim-Renaud: "I Remember" [T] [A] [V]


¶  Zainab Al-Suwaij: 2004 RNConvention Address [ [T] [A] [V

¶  Zbigniew Brzezinski: Prospects and Changes in the Former Soviet Union [T] [A]

  Zell Miller: 2004 RNConvention Address [T] [A]

  Zell Miller: Farewell to the U.S. Senate [T] [A] [V]



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