Cal Ripken, Jr.

Farewell to Baseball Address

delivered 6 October 2001, Camden Yards, Baltimore Maryland

[Photo Credit: Baltimore Sun photo by Kenneth K. Lam]


[AUTHENTICITY CERTIFIED: Text version below transcribed directly from audio]

As a kid, I had this dream.

And I had the parents that helped me shape that dream.

Then, I became part of an organization, the Baltimore Orioles -- the Baltimore Orioles, to help me grow that dream. Imagine playing for my hometown team for my whole career.

And I have a wife and children to help me share and savor the fruits of that dream.

And I've had teammates who filled my career with unbelievable moments.

And you fans, who have loved the game, and have shared your love with me.

Tonight, we close a chapter of this dream -- my playing career.

But I have other dreams.

You know, I might have some white hair on top of this head -- well, maybe on the sides of this head. But I'm really not that old.

My dreams for the future include pursuing my passion for baseball. Hopefully, I will be able to share what I have learned. And, I would be happy if that sharing would lead to something as simple as a smile on the face of others.

One question I've been repeatedly asked these past few weeks is, "How do I want to be remembered?" My answer has been simple: to be remembered at all is pretty special.

I might also add that if, if I am remembered, I hope it's because, by living my dream, I was able to make a difference.

Thank you.

Also in this database: Babe Ruth - Farewell to Baseball Address

Also in this database: Lou Gehrig - Farewell to Baseball Address

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Page Updated: 12/23/23

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