Well, Michelle and I want to
express, first of all, our deepest condolences to not just the city of
Tuscaloosa but the state of Alabama and all the other states that have
been affected by this unbelievable storm. We just took a tour, and I’ve
got to say I’ve never seen devastation like this. It is heartbreaking. We were just talking to some residents here who were lucky enough to
escape alive, but have lost everything. They mentioned that their
neighbors had lost two of their grandchildren in the process.
What you’re seeing here is the consequence of just a few minutes of this
extraordinarily powerful storm sweeping through this community. And as
the governor was mentioning, Tuscaloosa typically gets a tornado during
the season, but this is something that I don’t think anybody has seen
In addition to keeping all the families who’ve been affected in our
thoughts and prayers, obviously our biggest priority now is to help this
community recover. I want to thank Mayor Maddox for his extraordinary
leadership. Chief Burgess [ph] I know is having to dealing with a lot
of difficulties. One of the challenges that the mayor was explaining
is, is that the assets of the city -- a fire station that we passed on
the way in, police resources, emergency resources -- those too have been
Fortunately the governor has done an extraordinary job with his team in
making sure that the resources of the state are mobilized and have been
brought in here. I’m very pleased that we’ve got a FEMA director in
Craig Fugate who is as experienced as anybody in responding to disasters
even of this magnitude. And we’ve already provided the disaster
designations -- we’ve already provided the disaster designations that
are required to make sure that the maximum federal help comes here as
quickly as possible.
Craig is working with the teams on the ground to make sure that we are
seamlessly coordinating between the state, local and federal
governments. And I want to just make a commitment to the communities
here that we are going to do everything we can to help these communities
We can’t bring those who have been lost back. They’re alongside God at
this point. We can help maybe a little bit with the families dealing
with the grief of having a loved one lost. But the property damage,
which is obviously extensive, that's something that we can do something
And so we’re going to do everything we can to partner with you, Mr.
Mayor, with you, governor. As the governor was pointing out, this
community was hit as bad as any place, but there are communities all
across Alabama and all across this region that have been affected, and
we’re going to be making that same commitment to make sure that we’re
doing whatever we can to make sure that people are okay.
That bee likes you.
Governor Bentley: It’s a wasp.
President Obama: Okay, got it. There you go.
Governor Bentley: No, he got him away. You didn’t get him.
Mayor Maddox: Where’s the Secret Service when you need them?
President Obama: Finally, let me just say this. As you walk around, we
were just talking to three young people over there -- college students
here at the University of Alabama who are volunteering now to help clean
up. One of the young ladies there, she actually lived in this
apartment; wasn’t here at the time the storm happened.
What you’re struck by is people’s resilience and the way that the
community has come together. And obviously that's testimony to the
leadership of the governor and the mayor, but it’s also inherent as part
of the American spirit. We go through hard times, but no matter how
hard we may be tested, we maintain our faith and we look to each other
to make sure that we’re supporting each other and helping each other.
I’m sure that that spirit is going to continue until this city is all
the way back.
So, Mr. Mayor -- he was pointing out that there’s a lot of national
media down here now, and the mayor expressed the concern that perhaps
the media will move on in a day or a week or a month, and that folks
will forget what’s happened here. And I want to assure him that the
American people all across the country are with him and his community,
and we’re going to make sure that you’re not forgotten and that we do
everything we can to make sure that we rebuild.
So with that, Governor, would you like to say a few words?
Governor Bentley: I would. And, Mr. President, I would like to
personally thank you and Mrs. Obama for coming and visiting Alabama
because you know as you fly over this -- and I did yesterday -- as you
fly over it from the air, it does not do it justice until you’re here on
the ground. And I just want you to know how much I appreciate that.
We asked for -- we’ve mobilized the state. We declared a state of
emergency early on, even before the first tornadoes hit, and then we
mobilized our National Guard the first day. We then asked the President
for aid and we asked him to expedite that, and they have done that. And
I just want you to know how much I appreciate that, Mr. President,
because all these people appreciate that so much.
We have eight counties across the state that have been hit by major
tornadoes. This probably is the worst one, but we have others. As you
go across the state, you see the same evidence of tornadoes all across
the state.
And so there are people that are hurting. We have now 210 confirmed
deaths in Alabama. We have 1,700 injured. We have a number of people
missing at the present time. We’re going to continue to work in a
rescue-type mode, but we’re now more in a recovery mode.
Thank you, Mr. President. If you’ll keep him off of me --
President Obama: I’m going to keep my eye on you. We’re looking out for
each other. That's --
Governor Bentley: Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
But I am -- let me say I am so proud of our first responders in this
state. They have done an outstanding job. Our mayors, our county
commissioners, our police, our firemen -- they have all just done a
fantastic job. Our EMA people, they have just -- we have got a great
team. They’ve all worked together. And now we have the federal
government helping us. And, you know, that just shows when locals and
state and federal government works together, we can get things
accomplished, and that's what we’re going to do.
And so, Mr. President, welcome to Alabama, but not under these
circumstances. We want you to come back and maybe go to a football game
over here at a later day and when things are better. But thank you for
your help.
President Obama: I will gladly come back.
Governor Bentley: Thank you, sir.
President Obama: Mr. Mayor, if you’d like to say a few words.
Mayor Maddox: Mr. President, Governor, Mrs. Obama, thank you for coming
today. The last 36 hours have been probably the most trying time in
this community’s history. But you’re going to see a new story being
written here in Tuscaloosa. And in the years to come these chapters are
going to be fueled with hope and opportunity.
Since this tragedy began, I’ve been using Romans 12:12 when Paul wrote
under persecution, “Rejoice in our confident hope.” Well, today, Mr.
President, your visit here has brought a confident hope to this
community. And in the days, weeks and months to come, we’re going to be
a story that you’re going to be very proud of and you can talk about
across this land.
Thank you again for coming today.
President Obama: Well, thank you for your leadership. And two last
points I want to make. First of all, we’ve got our congressional
delegation here, and I am absolutely confident that they will make sure
that the resources are available to help rebuild.
To all the local officials who are here, I know that they’ve been
personally affected, but I know that they’re going to provide the
leadership in this community, working with the mayor and the governor to
do what is needed.
And finally, I think the mayor said something very profound as we were
driving over here. He said, what's amazing is when something like this
happens, folks forget all their petty differences. Politics,
differences of religion or race, all that fades away when we are
confronted with the awesome power of nature. And we’re reminded that
all we have is each other.
And so hopefully that spirit continues and grows. If nothing else comes
out of this tragedy, let’s hope that that's one of the things that comes
So thank you very much, everybody.
Book/CDs by Michael E. Eidenmuller, Published by
McGraw-Hill (2008)
Text & Audio Source: WhiteHouse.gov
Page Updated: 12/7/23
U.S. Copyright Status: Text and Audio = Public domain.